CSS RECEIVES PERFORMANCE AWARD FROM SAFMARINECSS was recently recognized with a performance award by Safmarine, at their annual dinner held at the Shangri La Hotel in Dubai, UAE. In attendance to receive this award for CSS was Ajay Krishnan, Senior General Manager, Ocean Freight, Raufa Shaikh, Pricing Manager, Chandrakala, Asst. Manager NVOCC Operations and Arjun Bose, Director, CSS Abu Dhabi.
“Our strategy to focus our volumes with core carriers from Quarter 3 of 2012 has shown positive results. This recognition by Safmarine is a testament to the success of our program,” added Ajay Krishnan, Senior General Manager, Ocean Freight, CSS.
The recognition of this award was for the growth and consistent performance for the fiscal year 2012 and this was a first for CSS with Safmarine. With this award, CSS joins an elite tier within Safmarine in the United Arab Emirates.
“Safmarine is by far the friendliest carrier around, operationally and from a process point of view and we look forward to growing our business with them further in the years ahead,” commented Chandrakala, Asst. Manager NVOCC Operations, CSS.
Safmarine is an international shipping business offering container and break-bulk shipping services worldwide. Formed in 1946 by South African industrialists and American ship owners, Safmarine is now widely known as a north/south trade and African specialist. The line is represented in more than 130 countries throughout the world, with more than 1200 sailors selling their services.
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