Every human regardless of gender or genealogy is born with the inherent ability to become a leader, this ability is the leadership nature. Although everyone has the leadership spirit, no one will ever truly become a leader until they develop the spirit of leadership, the ATTITUDE to lead. The purpose of the leadership spirit and spirit of leadership is to serve humanity in any capacity (fulfilling purpose) NOT TO DOMINATE or BOSS anyone. Leaders are ordinary people who accept or are placed in extraordinary circumstances that bring forth their latent potential, producing a character that inspires confidence and trust amongst others.

Being born to lead is a response to the leadership spirit within you while becoming a leader is adopting the spirit of leadership.

True leaders see people right through and pay close attention to those that are around them. They never forget their identity. In other words, great leaders aren’t using others to build themselves; they are expending themselves to build others. I personally have firsthand experience in working with such leaders for the first time in my entire life and carrier of 25 years in this industry as I write this very inspiring article.

One can say leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration motivated by a passion, generated by a vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose or leadership is influence, influencing people to join you in something you are passionate about (not forcing or compelling anyone).

From this definition, the requirements for leadership are a purpose, a conviction of that purpose, a vision towards that purpose, passion in pursuing that vision.

Once this is in place, it inspires and influences others to join the leader in pursuing that passion. This is how leadership forms.

Leadership is about journeying with people. Being present with them in their triumphs and pain. Encouraging people to trust themselves when everything is going right and when everything is falling apart. If you want to be an effective leader, move toward your team of people relationally.

Leadership is defined as a fact which comprises the values, attitudes, and behaviors that are necessary to motivate oneself and others intrinsically. In particular, empathy, communication, decision-making, resilience, delegation, self-awareness, and agility constitute the seven most important leadership traits in today’s business environment or any other.

Intuitive leaders become visionary, they can define and articulate your vision, they recognize other’s achievements, encourage two-way communication, maintain integrity, always lead by example, delegate and empower the team and constantly encourage growth and development. Good, clear, effective communication, engaging and knowing your employees/ team/ staff/ colleagues, setting clear expectations, active listening, allocating/ managing resources, being transparent are also the qualities of a great leader.

Although they are popular, the following statements are UNTRUE BELIEFS that people hold about leadership, which can be used.
1. Leaders are made not born
2. Leadership is a other-worldly arrangement on specificindividuals
3. Leadership is a result of a charismatic personality
4. Leadership is a result of a forceful personality
5. Leadership is a result of specific leadership trainings

Truth is that everybody is born to be a leader, and everyone has the leadership spirit within them.

The most important step in developing the spirit of leadership, after your awareness that you are born to lead, is to renew your mind and follow these six tenets to gain understanding of leadership. Throughout my growth process, I’ve learned the main elements of this role are love, grace, mercy, sacrificial service without any expectation, faithfulness, and humility.