It is recession the medias, economics gurus, politicians, journalists everybody has to talk about. Even though it is difficult to quantify the intensity or predict the impact period, the effect of recession influence on differently to different people. A retailer see fall in sales, a stock broker a fall in stock prices and for a manufacturer its impact will be on production side. But how do you overcome it has no authoritative theories or definitions.
Recession is a reality of business life. Managing to navigate and come out of the economic downturn is a critical business capability. In the past companies who have managed to emerge as winners must have had an approach which made it possible for them to do so. Trying to improve the business performance during these times may not take you all the way long , but companies who built financial strength during the good times acquired liquid assets , limited debt and focused on cash flow to remain flexible and unscathed.
It would be wise to narrow rather than broaden business portfolios focusing in areas on which a clear lead can be established. These acts can be described as a very conservative financial management, but there are other factors as well. Investing on Information systems to manage and gain insight about their key value drivers, to have more enhanced outputs and responsive systems.