I’m always buoyed-up with enthusiasm as we approach another occasion for our Strategy Meet. Over the years I’ve seen the same enthusiasm, in my colleagues, as we prepare for this eagerly anticipated in-house business get-together.
Taking full advantage of this opportunity we have designed and put into action, strategies devised to overcome critical issues which have arisen during the growth process of Consolidated Shipping Services. Our enlightened thinking, stimulated by a united rationale, guided us to significant triumphs even when the global business scenario was somewhat disappointing.
However nowadays we allow outside influences to drive us on, without realizing their impact. New technology has pushed us to unforeseen levels of accomplishment. Artificial Intelligence, 3D Printing, Nano Technology, Genetics and Robotics quickly spring to mind just in this century. Whilst information is at our fingertips dependence on these innovations means that many have lost the ability to undertake basic calculations without relying on them.
Working out a simple two-digit number sum, without the aid of a calculator, has even become impossible for some. Such consideration leads me to ask, “What has happened to our critical thinking?” I recall a quote from Albert Einstein – ‘The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing’. Few are able to match Einstein’s capacity for critical thinking but this is no reason for not trying. It seems to me that our generation is rapidly losing the capacity for this style thinking.
Fired-up with fervent passion for our Strategy Meet, I am confident that our get-together is destined to visualize ‘out of the box’ by applying critical thinking. This gives me confidence to believe that our in-house business get-together will design new strategies to action more success for CSS. Accordingly, it gives me pleasure to extend my best wishes to all participants.