It is really encouraging to know that our Lighthouse articles are being received well by the readers.
The “Welcome Olympics 2012” page, in the last edition, received positive feedback. We have therefore responded by dedicating another “Olympics” page, in this Lighthouse. This also means that we may keep the Olympics spirit going for a little longer time. But wouldn’t it be great if we could emulate the Olympic spirit which was demonstrated by everyone taking part, including athletes, spectators, volunteers and organizers?
Events, like the Olympics, leave behind messages which are often worth pondering. The news about marathon runner Guor Marial, the man who competed in Olympics as a citizen of no country, was emotionally heartwarming. South Sudan, where Guor was born and raised, does not have International Olympics Committee recognition. Guor’s story is one akin to many unfortunate heroes among the millions of displaced and wandering in this world. It was his sheer will and confidence, along with the support of fellow athletes and well wishers, which resulted in the Olympic committee allowing Gour to participate under the International Olympic flag.
Surely this is an inspirational example of “Believing in yourself and going for it”? Equally heartening was Oscar Pistorius, the 25 year old first double-leg amputee to compete in athletics at the Games. Despite objections from others, he had a belief in himself and a determination which carried his vision forward. Oscar said how privileged he felt, after carrying the South African flag during the Olympic closing ceremony, seen globally by an audience of about 300 million. Sometimes during the everyday stresses of life, we forget our own dreams and visions, and we start to lose a belief in ourselves. But if we carry forward with us, the Olympic spirit shown by the athletes, we will be re-energised. By endeavoring to let ourselves be motivated by the examples of Gour and Pistorius, “Believe in yourself and the world will believe in you,” we will be spurring ourselves onwards to achieving our goals.