Basically, a yard management system (YMS) is a software system designed to oversee the movement of trucks and trailers in the yard of a manufacturing facility, warehouse, or distribution center. YMS provides real-time information on the location of trailers in the yard and allows yard employees to move trailers from staging to docks to fill orders in an efficient manner. The terms YMS is at times used concurrently with Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) or Transportation Management Systems (TMS).Opposed to traditional methods of managing loads/containers at the yards, today with the assistance of latest technology, there is not only effective time management but a lot of double guessing can also be eliminated. For instance the elaborate procedure of filling and filing in paper work has been drastically reduced by adopting online procedures. This not only avoids time lags but also speeds up the process, as all essential information with regard to the load are available in the system and hence when the trailer arrives, the details not only pop up, but from the gate in time itself, the warehouse is alerted that the load has arrived. Still further with the use of modern technology it is easier to track the location of the container, the kind of container, ie refer or normal etc, its contents and to also monitor the priority for loading etc.
For instance the latest technology that is being adopted to assist YMS is the use of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) flying around a yard, either autonomously or controlled by a remote. The drones enable to survey large areas of densely-packed assets for the purposes of inventory reconciliation or pinpointing where certain inventory is located, producing such information with accuracy and in a matter of minutes. Some drones are also equipped with real-time location system capabilities which facilitate the uploading of real time video data via wi-fi upon return to their ground stations.
With technological assistance, the planning, execution and movement in the yard is made simple and easy.Another plus point with the use of drones is that long standing containers can be identified and dealt with in a timely manner. This also simplifies the task of updating demurrage and detention charges which is critical for efficient management and operation of any yard.
When a yard maximizes on the use of technology to assist its growth, it can capitalize on utilizing its space to the fullest. The most difficult task for any yard manager is to keep a tab on the number of daily ins and outs it’s the yard. This is especially crucial when yards are in prime locations and their operational cost is relatively much higher. Hence the combination of improved dock door scheduling, and visibility of empty trailers sitting idle in the yard, enables yard output to increase drastically.
Hence smart logistics operators, by using generation – Z technology, to bridge their supply chain gaps, can also attain better control over yard equipment, track assets in real-time, locate perishable loads, effectively manage waiting time and schedule their operations better, which is a win-win situation.