“I’ve had an incredible experience, I’m grateful for the opportunities, growth, and memories at CSS” says Ambili, as she opens her treasured CSS album with a coffee cup in hand.

“My journey with the CSS group has been filled with countless cherished moments, making it tough for me to pinpoint just one. The camaraderie, support, and memories created within CSS are invaluable, and undoubtedly played a significant role in shaping my professional and personal growth.”, says Ambili.

I am proud of the CSS group setting sail into its 30th year. I am overwhelmed with a sense of pride by being a member here. I am looking forward to the adventures while sailing toward new horizons. I am confident that facing challenges at CSS has changed me forever.

Every task that you are entrusted with gives you a chance to learn and create a passion within, as I remember with my first job as a receptionist at CSS, says Ambili. A change of role at CSS happened then with my interest. I got a transfer to the operations department. It was here, where I discovered the real potential of the logistics industry. My passion for logistics grew to an extent, wherein I upskilled myself in the areas of problem-solving, process optimization, and ensuring a smooth flow of goods.

I would emphasize to aspiring logistics professionals the importance of continuous learning, gaining experience, delivering service excellence, honing problem-solving skills, focusing on detail, effective communication, adaptability, and showcasing leadership potential. Logistics is a vast area of opportunities; it fully depends upon how we apply ourselves to adapt and learn. Each day is a new lesson, but I enjoy it thoroughly.

It is the collective wisdom, guidance, and encouragement which plays an instrumental role in shaping a team, and I am fortunate enough to have senior colleagues during my initial days to mould me into the person I am today. In my leadership role at CSS, I actively incorporate the lessons I have acquired to lead effectively. I also do not shy away from upskilling myself to be an integral part of the daily life at CSS which creates a positive energy that radiates to others.

While I look back to my childhood dreams, I too had a variety of dreams like all of you. While I grew up, the same dreams were coupled with my career aspirations. I always wanted to strive to become a better individual and contribute positively to the world around me.

One of the best pieces of advice I always remember is to ‘focus on progress, not perfection’. This mantra reminds me that mistakes and setbacks are part of the journey. What truly matters is the right mindset for continuous improvement, applying the lessons you have learned, and anticipating new opportunities. This guides one to become a better version of oneself.

I resonate with this mantra ‘focus on progress, not perfection’! “