Chairman’s Message
A recent study reveals that we may solve other people’s problems easily, but at the same time find it somewhat difficult to determine our own. It is therefore little wonder that sometimes we have a feeling that the human character is very strange. Everybody, to some degree, is interested in each other’s life. Or, to put it more precisely, everyone is eager about fine tuning other’s life and career. Taking advantage of these facts has meant that the last decade has seen an alarming increase in the number of motivational speakers and trainers in our society. Does anybody actually gain from such speaking discourses? It is probably not as much as some imagine, especially as I believe that nobody can realistically motivate another person. These speakers and trainers can only “inspire”, with their words and deeds. Motivation has to come from with-in, “self- motivation”. Those who get motivated from within can only succeed in life. They are driven by an indomitable spirit.
Such determination was obvious when our CSS team recently experienced wonderful opportunities to be inspirational. Various trade shows and CSS India’s invigorating budget meet, proved to be a springboard for stimulating ideas throughout an interesting season of interactions.
As business behaviours drastically change across the globe we need to equip ourselves for the challenges. What better way is there than to expand the results of the recent study, I mentioned at the start of this message, and instead of just focusing on other people’s problems, we put inspiration foremost in our minds, so we may inspire each other to motivate for success?